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You may be overwhelmed with debt and can’t seem to get from under.


 You could be in control of your finances. Living debt-free with savings and investments.


 You may be unprepared to handle a financial storm and fearful of what may happen tomorrow.


You could be prepared to weather your financial storms and relaxed knowing that you’re OK.


Your financial house may be in disarray with a crumbling foundation.


Your financial house could be organized with clear and achievable goals.

Let’s Make Your Tomorrow A Reality

Take The First Step

Schedule a Free Consultation Call Today!

Sessions Can Include:

Coaching Session

We will discuss your current financial situation and concerns. Establish and clarify your goals. Create a doable, actionable plan to achieve your short and long term goals.

Budget Analysis

We will discuss the importance of budgeting, review different types of budgets, and create a budget that works for you. 

 Spending Analysis

We will review your bank statements and see where your money is going. We will review your spending for leaks, create a plan to plug your leaks, and determine the best place to put your money.

Credit Report Analysis

We will order your credit report and review it line by line for understanding and errors. We will also discuss ways to repair, build, and improve your credit. If any errors are found, I will give you the tools to dispute them.

Debt Analysis

We will discuss your debts and the best plans to reduce and eliminate all loans.

Cashflow Analysis

We will discuss how cash is flowing into and out of your life. We’ll create a plan to increase the inflow and minimize the outflow.

Preparation Analysis

We will discuss and create plans to prepare for emergencies and the unforeseen.

Retirement Analysis

Together we will review your retirement preparation to ensure you’re thinking about and have plans for the later stages of your life.

Follow Up

All services come with follow-up emails and calls within reason. I’m here for encouragement, to answer questions, and help you get overcome obstacles.
*NOTE: We are working together.  Information required by you will need to be received in a timely manner to stay on track. Further sessions may be needed for to resolve complex issues. 


Packages and Investment:

  • $125/Hourly Sessions
  • Coaching Session
  • Follow Up
  • $800/3 Month Sessions
  • Coaching Session
  • Budget Analysis
  • Spending Analysis
  • Credit Analysis
  • Debt Analysis
  • Follow Up
  • $1500/6 Month Sessions
  • Coaching Session
  • Budget Analysis
  • Spending Analysis
  • Credit Analysis
  • Debt Analysis
  • Cashflow Analysis
  • Preparation Analysis
  • Retirement Analysis
  • Follow Up
 Not having a financial plan, being in debt, being unprepared for emergencies, and having low credit scores is costing you money. Once you start working with me and  aligning your steps towards your financial goals, your return on this investment will be priceless. Payment plans are available.